Cadets and Citadel Family,
We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and to impact our daily lives. Cadets, your top priority continues to be completing your academic requirements successfully.
Academics are paramount and no cadet is authorized to miss any academic requirement without explicit permission from their professor or dean.
However, the clearing of only two barracks, Law and PT (2nd and 3rd Battalions) will begin next week on April 21 with the goal of concluding by April 28. The schedule is designed to give each cadet two date options to clear your room, while limiting the number of people on campus at one time.
No one is being forced to come to campus for this process. It is designed to be safe, efficient and flexible to meet the needs of everyone.
The clearing of the barracks is needed to provide adequate time for maintenance tasks required for Law and PT Barracks prior to summer use.
Cadets from the other three battalions are tentatively scheduled to retrieve their belongings May 11 – 15 and will receive information specific to those procedures soon. Please do not come to campus until instructed by the Commandant’s Department.
2nd and 3rd Battalion cadets read these instructions carefully
This will be conducted in the safest, most efficient manner possible. Those who do participate by coming to campus must strictly follow the safety protocols outlined below.
Cadets who CAN come to campus
Cadets who are sick or who have been exposed to COVID-19 within 14 days of your scheduled arrival day, do not report to campus. Contact your TAC officer for arrangements.
Cadets who are healthy and able to come in person to pack and clear your belongings may report according to the instructions below per company between the hours of 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Each company has two date options. Select a time that does not conflict with your required class attendance for synchronous courses online courses. This is not an excuse to miss your class.
- In the interest of maintaining safety for all cadets, faculty and staff, your time on campus will be limited to removing your possessions.
- You should report to The Citadel wearing a cloth mask. Wear the mask any time youare within 6 feet of another person. If you can’t find a mask, you can make one from a T-shirt.
- The scheduled dates for each company are below. If you cannot make it on either of your assigned days, contact your Company TAC for instructions.
- 21 & 25 Apr: E, I Co, BN Staffs, Regt Staff
- 22 & 26 Apr: F, K
- 23 & 27 Apr: G, L
- 24 & 28 Apr: H, M, Band
Cadets who CANNOT come to campus
There are several reasons why some cadets can’t come to campus to clear their rooms. Cadets need to discuss and coordinate this with your TAC. Those reasons might include academics, sickness, family obligations, military duty, living far out of state, etc.
- If you cannot come to campus, you can authorize others to retrieve your gear. This is limited to an immediate family member (parent or sibling), another cadet or host family member. *THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE IF COORDINATED IN ADVANCE WITH YOUR TAC OFFICER.
- Cadets are encouraged to support classmates and cadets close to your hometown who cannot return to campus to clear their rooms.
- TAC officers, faculty and staff will inventory your things. If your items are packed and stored the intent is that you come to retrieve your gear when the remainder of the Corps is scheduled (tentatively May 11 – 15).
- Arrangements for shipping belongings can be made for those who live in other countries, who need gear for military training requirements or who cannot return after graduating
- We understand that different cities and states have different restrictions in place. Cadets who live out of state have the option to come but are not required to retrieve your belongings.
- If for any other reason you do not feel comfortable coming in person to retrieve your belongings, contact your TAC officer for arrangements.
All Cadets in 2nd, 3rd BNs and Regimental Staff need to contact their respective TACs by 7 p.m., Sunday, April 19 with their intended plan for clearing their room.
Remember, communication with your TAC officers is crucial in completing this timeline-driven mission and is your responsibility.
The Citadel is and will continue to adhere to South Carolina state orders/laws. We have an executable plan that is flexible and can meet the needs of everyone.
Watch for additional instructions via email from Lt. Col. Pam Barton and your TAC Officers.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.