Protocol for Recalling Employees to Campus – Effective 4 May 2020
The Citadel takes the safety of our employees and those in the campus community seriously. The following protocols apply as employees return to campus to fulfill our mission.
Guidelines for Employees Returning to Campus
To prevent the virus entering campus, and to protect our campus community, all Citadel employees are asked to practice social distancing and adhere to the following guidelines.
CDC Protocol for Social Distancing
- Stay at least 6 feet from other people.
- Do not gather in groups.
- Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings.
CDC Protocol for Self-Care
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is especially important after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, going into the bathroom, and before eating or preparing food.
- Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, covering all surfaces of your hands and rubbing them until dry.
- Soap and water are the best option, especially if hands are visibly dirty.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Mask Wear
- Masks are especially important for those coming in contact with others who may not be able to stay 6 feet away (physical distancing).
- Employees are asked to wear protective masks when interacting within 6 feet of students, coworkers, or visitors. The Citadel has a limited supply of masks, so employees are encouraged to provide their own until further notice.
- Employees are encouraged to bring their own masks. If an employee does not have a mask, they should consult their supervisor, who immediately must inform their VP of the need.
- Employees should follow the mask protocol for use, care, disposal as outlined below.
- Cloth face-mask FAQs
- Care for cloth face-masks
- How to appropriately put on and wear face-masks
- Surgical masks, KN-95, and N95 respirators are in short supply, and reserved for healthcare workers & medical first-responders, as recommended by CDC guidance.
Attestation Statement and Continued Evaluation
- All employees must complete The Citadel’s Attestation document upon returning to campus. Supervisors should keep this document on file and employees must report if their
- status changes.
- If you are sick, do not come to work. If you become sick while at work, notify your supervisor and go home.
- If you appear sick, your supervisor may ask you to go home. Supervisors should use discretion in determining when to send an employee home, taking into consideration symptoms associated with general allergies and the common cold. Please contact hr@citadel.edu with questions.
- If you were diagnosed and recovered from the COVID-19 virus, you will be required to provide a medical release from your healthcare provider before returning to work. Contact hr@citadel.edu for guidance.
- Known reckless behavior on the part of any employee may result in a requirement to self-quarantine and/or in disciplinary action.
Work Space Considerations
Until further notice, supervisors must employ measures allowing for safe social distancing in the workplace. These measures may include: reassigning a work location; scheduling meetings using conference calls or online meeting platforms; modifying work practices to reduce the likelihood of personal interaction with others (e.g., install secure drop boxes for the delivery of documents or develop online forms and processes).
As some campus offices are required to remain open to support our mission, supervisors may consider allowing a combination of on campus and from home work to reduce the number of employees in common work spaces.
The Citadel follows CDC guidance regarding thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting campus buildings and workspaces. These specific processes shall continue for the foreseeable future. Any request regarding cleaning workspaces can be made through Wally Nava at navao1@citadel.edu.
Guidance for Managing Employee Concerns
The Citadel follows federal, state, and healthcare guidelines to mitigate the entry of virus to campus; however, some employees may have special circumstances causing a greater degree of concern. Supervisors should be sensitive to the needs of employees with high risk circumstances or those with family members with high risk circumstances. Continued work from home options should be considered for these employees when possible. When work from home is not possible for employees with high risk circumstances, employees may consider the Emergency Paid Sick
Leave, Advanced Sick Leave, and/or Emergency Family Medical Leave if applicable.
The Citadel wants to provide as much support to our employees as possible. However, an employee may not refuse to report to work if there are no options available for telecommuting or leave. Supervisors and employees with specific concerns should email hr@citadel.edu.
Additional Services Provided for Employees
- Gloves are recommended for anyone handling soiled laundry. The COVID-19 virus can remain viable for 12 hours on cloth. The Citadel will supply gloves and other protective equipment for laundry/dry cleaning personnel.
Flu Shots
- Flu shots do not provide protection against the COVID virus. Faculty and staff are encouraged to get a flu shot, typically covered by health insurance, from their local health care provider, drug store, or supermarket