Dear Cadets and Students,
As we continue to manage the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic presents, I wanted to provide an update about Summer School 2020. We have moved all courses starting in May and June to an online delivery. All Maymester courses have been moved into Summer I online, which is scheduled from May 11 to June 23. Our first Summer 8 week online classes start May 4 as originally scheduled.
If you are currently enrolled in a course for this summer, you do not need to do anything to remain enrolled. If you are enrolled in a course that has been canceled, you will be informed directly.
We will also be expanding our summer offerings, to include new sections and new courses that are timely and relevant to our current situation. This expanded set of courses will provide additional opportunities to make progress toward your degree, regardless of where you may be located this summer. You can view the course offerings here: https://www.citadel.edu/root/course-offerings.
Assuming the COVID-19 situation permits, we plan to offer both face-to-face instruction and online classes for Summer II. In the event we are not able to offer face-to-face instruction during Summer II, we will communicate an update to the campus community.
To support online learning at The Citadel, we are implementing Canvas, a new learning management system. The benefits of this technology make the platform a far superior system to support our online efforts compared to CitLearn. To assist with this transition, Dr. Diana Cheshire and the staff in CEITL have ramped up their training and will have sessions open to students.
We know that this is a stressful time. We have all been impressed with your adaptability and resilience during these past several weeks.
As information becomes available, we will continue to update you about academic matters.
We very much miss having you are on campus.
Warm regards,
Sally Selden