Now that we have completed actions to keep our campus safe and secure during the Citadel Republican Society and rally events yesterday evening, I want to express my appreciation for all who pitched in to support the events. I especially want to thank our faculty, staff and students, along with our campus neighbors, who dealt with significant modifications to our operations. Our college is dedicated to the principles of free expression and academic freedom, but there’s no question that an event of this nature is operationally taxing for a small community like ours.
I also want to give special thanks for the tireless efforts of our state and local law enforcement agencies for their professional, efficient and timely support to our Citadel Public Safety officers who did an outstanding job.
Our community and many around the country watched as we conducted these events together. They will also watch what we do next. In the days ahead, I have asked senior staff to carefully review the details of the CRS event and our corresponding policies, in order to provide recommendations on any needed changes to our processes. We will take many lessons learned from these past two weeks, and we will get better—both in our operations and in our understanding of our community.
We have made a lot of progress advancing the college’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, but there is more to be done. Progress will come from our continued commitment to The Citadel Core Values of Honor, Duty, and Respect. I look forward to this ongoing and important work for the future of The Citadel.
Best Regards,
John W. Rosa
Lieutenant General, USAF (Retired)
The Citadel