Banner honoring Pat Conroy to be unveiled
1 p.m. tipoff
Saturday, Feb. 3
McAlister Field House
Ticket required, open to the public
The Citadel will honor Pat Conroy, a 1967 Citadel graduate and former Bulldog point guard, with a permanent banner that will hang from the McAlister Field House rafters. The banner will be unfurled during halftime of the Bulldog’s basketball game against the Furman Paladins.
Conroy earned the team’s Most Valuable Player award during his senior year as a cadet at The Citadel in 1967. The New York Times’ best-selling author of The Great Santini, The Prince of Tides and eight other books passed away in 2016, his memorial service held at the historic Summerall Chapel on campus.
A ticket is required to view the halftime ceremony. To purchase a ticket, please visit here.
Nationally recognized children’s book author-illustrator visits schools
8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 6, Mitchell Math and Science Elementary School
Wednesday, Feb. 7, Sanders-Clyde Creative Arts School
Thursday, Feb. 8, Goodwin Elementary School
Free and open to the public (visitors must sign in at school’s front desk to obtain visitor’s pass)
Don Tate, nationally acclaimed children’s author and illustrator, will visit Mitchell Math and Science Elementary School Tuesday, Feb. 6; Sanders-Clyde Creative Arts School Wednesday, Feb. 7; and Goodwin Elementary School Thursday, Feb. 8. Tate is the illustrator of many children’s books, including Whoosh! Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions, The Amazing Age of John Roy Lynch, The Cart That Carried Martin and Hope’s Gift. He is also the author of Poet: The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton and It Jes’ Happened: When Bill Traylor Started to Draw.
Tate’s school visits are part of the Zucker Family School of Education’s Authors in Schools literacy initiative. The initiative was created to enrich the lives of students by placing the authors and illustrators of children’s books into area schools.
Cryptocurrencies: IBM blockchain program director to hold presentation
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 9
Lowcountry Graduate Center
Registration required
Mark Parzygnat, blockchain program director of IBM, will discuss how the next technology revolution will affect supply chains and the logistics industry during a presentation Friday, Feb. 9, at the Lowcountry Graduate Center.
Blockchain is the distributed ledger technology that enables cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. IBM has its own version of blockchain called Hyperledger and has established partnerships with Maersk Line shipping and other organizations to explore the applications of blockchain.
While the presentation will focus on supply chain applications, much of the discussion will be about the general characteristics and applications of blockchain.
To register for this presentation, contact Carl Betterton at carl.betterton@citadel.edu.
Summerall Guards to perform in Mardi Gras parades
Friday, Feb. 9 – Tuesday, Feb. 13
New Orleans, La.
The Citadel’s Summerall Guards, an internationally-known, silent precision drill platoon, will be performing in New Orleans, La., as part of the city’s Mardi Gras festival. The Summerall Guards have become a regular feature in numerous parades since their establishment in 1932.
The platoon will be appearing in the following parades:
- Friday, Feb. 9 – D’Etat Parade
- Saturday, Feb. 10 – Endymion Parade
- Sunday, Feb. 11 – Thoth Parade
- Tuesday, Feb. 13 – Rex Parade
Consisting of 61 members, the Summerall Guards are first-class (senior) cadets who go through a rigorous physical training and initiation process and are chosen for their physical stamina and drill proficiency. Earning a spot as a guard is one of the highest honors a cadet can receive at The Citadel.
Eighth annual Storm The Citadel
8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 10
Summerall Field and Mark Clark Hall
Free and open to the public
The eighth annual Storm The Citadel will begin Saturday, Feb. 10, when K-12, college and corporate teams gather to compete in trebuchet, bridge building, Lego robotics and water bottle rocket competitions.
The largest event of the day is the trebuchet competition where teams in two divisions – Hoplite and Centurion – build medieval-style launching devices that are rated by judges on accuracy, distance, spirit and design.
More than 800 participants and 3,000 spectators will line The Citadel’s Summerall Field and Mark Clark Hall to mentor and cheer on the teams.
In addition to the competitions, exhibitors will be on campus to provide students with an opportunity to meet members of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) field. There will also be hands-on engineering activities in Mark Clark Hall before and after competition times.
Storm The Citadel is co-hosted by Google and The Citadel’s School of Engineering along with the STEM Center of Excellence, the Zucker Family School of Education and the School of Science and Mathematics.
Black History Month event: Civil rights leader to speak in former Mayor Joe Riley’s history course
3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 13
Holliday Alumni Center
Free and open to the public
On the 50th anniversary of the Orangeburg Massacre, Cleveland Sellers, Ph.D., will reflect on the civil rights movement and his work for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee during former Mayor Joe Riley’s Citadel course, “The Why and the How: The Making of the International African American Museum.”
Sellers was shot during the massacre in February 1968 when he was working with students in Orangeburg to end Jim Crow segregation. Twenty-seven people were injured in the shooting – most of whom were shot in the back as they were running away – and three African American students were killed. Sellers was the only person imprisoned for the events and served seven months in federal prison after a conviction for inciting to riot. During his imprisonment, he wrote his autobiography, The River of No Return, chronicling his involvement with the civil rights movement.
After his release from prison, Sellers earned a master’s degree in education from Harvard University. He served as the director of the African American Studies Program at the University of South Carolina and retired as the president of Voorhees College in 2015.
The Citadel Graduate College hosts open house
5:30 – 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 13
Club Level, Johnson Hagood Stadium
Free and open to the public
The Citadel Graduate College (CGC) and Evening Undergraduate Studies will host an open house for prospective students to learn about the college’s advanced degree offerings. Advisors and admissions staff will be available to discuss how The Citadel can help professionals reach their goals with a master’s degree or graduate certificate.
The CGC offers 26 graduate degree programs with 42 concentration options, 25 graduate certificate programs and 10 evening undergraduate programs.
Please contact the CGC’s main office at (843) 953-5089 for event information or to schedule a meeting with an admissions counselor.
Black History Month event: “An Evening of Inspiration and Unity” at Summerall Chapel
6:40 – 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 13
Summerall Chapel
Free and open to the public
The Citadel Gospel Choir, The Citadel Cadet Chorale, the Chamber Choir and other musical guests will participate in an evening of uplifting music and celebration in Summerall Chapel.
Director and keyboardist of The Citadel’s Gospel Choir, Rev. Rodney Barrentine, and music director of choral activities at The Citadel, Nancy Lefter, will provide musical accompaniment for the choirs.
This event is sponsored by the Daniel Library and is part of the Friends of the Daniel Library spring 2018 lecture series.
Summerall Chapel to hold annual Ash Wednesday service
12:15 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 14
Summerall Chapel
Free and open to the public
The annual Ash Wednesday service will be held in Summerall Chapel to mark the beginning of the 40-day season of Lent, ending on Easter. The service will begin at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14.
Black History Month event: The Citadel hosts annual Black History Quiz Bowl
Saturday, Feb. 17
Time and location TBD
Free and open to the public
The Citadel will host its annual Black History Quiz Bowl Saturday, Feb. 17. Local youth groups and elementary, middle and high school teams will compete to be the first to correctly answer a series of questions related to political and social milestones in black history.
The winning team will receive an annual award and recognition as the Back History Quiz Bowl Champions.
The Creative Warrior expo combines creativity, art and the military
5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 20
Holliday Alumni Center
Registration required
Augmented and virtual reality, serious gaming, 360-degree visual mapping, simulations and other innovative digital media require a new type of professional – the creative warrior.
Sponsored by The Citadel Fine Arts Program and SAIC, “The Creative Warrior: Innovative Digital Media in the 21st Century Military” will present national industry leaders who will demonstrate and discuss the need for creativity and imagination in modern warfare. The evening will begin with a tech expo from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. and will wrap up with a keynote address and panel discussion featuring SAIC and other special guests from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Registration is free and available on a first-come, first-served basis. To register for this event, please visit here.
Leadership lecture with author Chris Fussell
6:40 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 20
Museum Reading Room, Daniel Library
Free and open to the public
The Friends of the Daniel Library, The Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics and Omicron Delta Kappa will present a leadership lecture with Chris Fussell Tuesday, Feb. 20. Fussell is the author of One Mission: How Leaders Build a Team of Teams.
“One Mission is required reading for anyone leading people,” said Doug McMillon, president and CEO of Walmart. “Fussell’s vivid account of how a team of teams model turned the tide on the battlefield is both inspiring and instructional in helping leaders navigate the transition from 20th century bureaucracy to 21st century complexity.”
The lecture is part of the Friends of the Daniel Library’s spring lecture series. Books will be available for purchase and signing during the event.
Zucker Family School of Education to hold annual Wall of Fame Celebration
6 – 9 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 21
Francis Marion Hotel
Ticket required, open to the public
The Zucker Family School of Education will hold its seventh annual Wall of Fame Celebration Wednesday, Feb. 21. The celebration of education recognizes individuals, alumni and community partners for their contributions to quality education in the Lowcountry. Among those honored will be Octavia Mitchell of WCBD-TV News 2, and Tiger Corner Farms.
Tickets for this event are limited. To purchase a ticket, please visit here.
The Citadel hosts the Annual Philological Association of the Carolinas Conference
Friday, Feb. 23 – Saturday, Feb. 24
Daniel Library
Registration required
The Citadel with support from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences; the Department of English, Fine Arts and Communications; and the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, will host the 42nd Annual Philological Association of the Carolinas Conference. During the conference, scholars will present their research on 18 panels over two days.
The conference’s keynote banquet will feature Kirstin Krick-Aigner, Ph.D., professor of German and chair of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Wofford College. Krick-Aigner will present on “Hearing the Voice of the Other: The Art and Value of Translation.”
For more information, please visit the Philological Association of the Carolinas website here.
Citadel archivist to present unique historical materials during “A Night in the Archives Part II”
6:40 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 27
Museum Reading Room, Daniel Library
Free and open to the public
A Night in the Archives Part II will share a presentation and an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at unique historical materials from The Citadel Archives. Tessa Updike, Citadel archivist, will also feature photographs from the archive’s collections.
The Citadel Archives, located in the Daniel Library, houses more than 300 collections that pertain to the history of the college. Archive holdings include personal papers, letters, diaries, reports, minutes, speeches and Citadel publications that date back to the college’s founding in 1842. Visual images include photographs, postcards, engravings and video recordings.
This event is part of the Friends of the Daniel Library’s spring lecture series.
The Citadel Career Center hosts career and internship fair
12:30 – 4 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 28
Buyer Auditorium
Free; open to Citadel cadets, students and alumni
The Citadel Career Center will hold its biannual career and internship fair Wednesday, Feb. 28 for all Citadel students – from freshman to graduate level – as well as alumni. More than 55 companies and organizations will be on campus to network and discuss full-time positions, internships, seasonal jobs and programs of graduate study.
The Citadel Career Center empowers students and alumni to explore career options, prepare for the workforce and engage with potential employers. The center offers personalized consulting, online tools and consistent networking with alumni and employers.
February feature from The Citadel Experts Guide
The Citadel Experts Guide is a resource for journalists, researchers, K-12 teachers and community organizations looking for professors and staff who are leading influencers in their fields of interest. An expert will be introduced in each edition of Upcoming News from The Citadel.
Brian Norris, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in The Citadel’s Department of Criminal Justice. He is also the president of the World Affairs Council of Charleston and an active promoter of area studies.
Norris is an expert on prison systems in Latin America and South Asia and has a new book that puts prisons into ethical and historical context. He began his research for Prison Bureaucracies in the United States, Mexico, India, and Honduras more than six years ago. The book is available for purchase beginning February 15.
“Field work revealed that some state prisons in Mexico, Honduras, India and the United States are dangerous and overcrowded while others are not,” Norris said. “Prison Bureaucracies is a pragmatic analysis based on 150 interviews with prison administrators in the four countries and 10 international trips funded largely by The Citadel Foundation.” Citadel cadets visited medium security prisons in Mexico included in the study during study abroad trips organized by Norris.
Norris has lived and worked in Latin America for five years and has completed 31 international research or work trips since 1997.
“Brian Norris’s research on prisons provides an excellent account on how prisons work,” said Vidal Romero, chair of the Political Science Department at the private university ITAM in Mexico City. “It offers rich arguments that appropriately speak to many disciplines and invites multiple thoughts on the issue of what is, and what ought to be, the appropriate role of the state when imprisoning its citizens. The case studies in this book—the United States, Mexico, India and Honduras—are thoroughly analyzed and documented. Norris has succeeded in constructing coherent and solid arguments from the vast information that he collected. This book is a must-read for those interested in bureaucracies.”
Norris is also the author of scholarly publications on demographic changes in South America, on credit institutions in the Southern United States and in South America and on criminal justice institutions and their leadership in Mexico.