“Operations will return to normal for the fall semester”
During a virtual town hall on June 29, The Citadel President asked all cadets to get fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before matriculating or returning to campus for the fall semester of the 2021-22 academic year. Gen. Glenn M. Walters, USMC (Ret.), asked cadets to report their medical status related to the vaccine on the online admissions portal.
“We are getting back to what we do best at The Citadel and we intend to get back to normal operations when the cadre report in July and when cadet-recruits matriculate on August 14,” Walters stated. “We are not mandating the vaccine, but one of the advantages that having the majority of our campus population vaccinated gives us is greater operational flexibility to maintain regular operations. For example, if someone tests positive for the virus we will know who in their direct contact circle was vaccinated and doesn’t need to be quarantined.” Walters added that vaccinations will be available on campus, as will COVID-19 testing.
Walters noted that applications for The Class of 2025 reflect a 14.8% increase from females and a 24% increase in applications from minority candidates.
“Class of 2025 cadets and parents can expect a normal Matriculation Day, with the flow arranged and directed by the cadet cadre,” Walters said. “Also, the dedicated parents from The Citadel Family Association will be present to help freshmen move into their rooms and get settled.”
There will also be an in-person Matriculation Day meeting with parents on the morning of check-in with the time announced at a later date.
Joining Walters was The Citadel Provost and Dean of the College, Sally Selden, Ph.D., SPHR, who discussed that classes begin for the Corps on August 25. The new Commandant of Cadets, Col. Thomas Gordon, USMC, Citadel Class of 1991 was also present in his first formal function for the college, to help answer questions submitted by cadets and parents through The Citadel’s Facebook page. Gordon officially assumes the role on July 1.