Photo above: Leadership Symposium including faculty and students from the Zucker Family School of Education in 2019 on The Citadel campus.
SC Commission on Higher Education announces new grant to include The Citadel’s Zucker Family School of Education
Announcement provided by as provided by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
Columbia, SC — The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE) announced today that three in-state colleges and universities will receive grants totaling $1.12M to support “Centers of Excellence” featuring specific programs for the development of best practices in teaching-related areas.
The Citadel, Francis Marion University, and Clemson University will receive the grants, which are made available through the South Carolina Education Improvement Act (EIA) of 1984 and distributed over a three-year term.
Each institution’s center specializes in a critical area for teachers’ effective service to the education needs of South Carolina. The FY22 amounts and areas are:
• $129,580 awarded to The Citadel, specializing in STEM and Literacy.
• $128,652 awarded to Clemson University, specializing in school administrator training to address teacher retention.
• $89,989 awarded to Francis Marion University, specializing in teacher retention and induction in the Pee Dee region.
“As our state seeks to overcome a historic teacher shortage, these programs will provide support to key areas identified by the receiving institutions,” said Dr. Mariam W. Dittmann, director of the CHE’s Office of Academic Affairs and Licensing. “We are excited to see these centers implement concepts that address our teacher shortage head-on.”
The FY 2021-22 grants called for proposals to focus centers on collaboration with rural school(s)/districts and/or low-performing school(s). Specifically, the proposals were asked to support:
• Professional development in leadership/principalship training to the K-12 education community to create a positive school environment/culture for teacher retention.
• Improved teaching practices in STEM and literacy.
• Increased teacher induction rate of Lowcountry and/or Pee Dee regions to raise teacher retention rates.
• Raising educator’s awareness of college and career readiness at middle and high school levels.
Any public or private college/university in the state authorized by the South Carolina State Board of Education to offer one or more-degree programs at graduate or undergraduate levels for the preparation of teachers is eligible to apply.
Learn more about the undergraduate and graduate programs offered by The Citadel’s Zucker Family of Education. The Citadel has educated educators since the 1960s.