By any measure the last academic year has been the
most challenging in recent memory. Despite the
disruption, I am pleased to present this Summer 2021
Newsletter for the School of Humanities and Social
Sciences at The Citadel and share the good news that
this School and this College has persisted through the
pandemic and emerged stronger, more experienced,
and even more committed to the mission to train
leaders who are both principled and resilient…The past year has strengthened my belief that the path to
Brian M. Jones, Ph.D., Dean for The Citadel School of Humanities and Social Sciences
principled leadership goes through the humanities and
social sciences. Although science has provided a vaccine, our
art, literature, music, history, and culture provided context,
comfort, and peace to a sick world. Our disciplines have
helped us understand how humanity survived and thrived in
the past despite the worst the planet could throw at us. The
humanities and social sciences teach us how to live in a
multicultural and interconnected society, how to appreciate
our differences, how to understand each other’s languages,
how to care for our fellow man and woman, how to learn
from our past, how to bring justice, and how to build a better
world one citizen at a time. Despite the pandemic, we
pressed forward to advance our mission.