Leadership Day 2017 found the Corps of Cadets scattered all across the Lowcountry lending a hand and learning outside of the classroom what it means to be a leader. We caught up with some sophomore cadets who were working with the Special Olympics Sun and Fun Festival in partnership with the Charleston County Recreation Department.
“We have cadets come out and volunteer at a variety of programs and our special events, like today,” said Sarah Stern, programs director for Charleston County Recreation Department. “It’s great for our Special Olympic athletes to see cadets out and about helping in the community. They get really excited when they see them in their uniforms, and they see other people looking up to the cadets, so they do too.”
The Citadel has a long-standing relationship with the Charleston County Recreation Department. Cadets often volunteer as coaches throughout the year for sports teams that go on to compete in the Special Olympics.
For Cadet Ana Tia Leadership Day teaches important life lessons. “It’s a good way to understand the importance of giving back. It improves our leadership abilities and instills the desire of wanting to continue to help the community even when we aren’t required to.”
Cadets also learn that giving back can be fun. “At school everyone is so serious, so this is a chance for us to get out in the community and have some fun while giving back. We always work hard to help others where we can,” said Cadet Jacob Ray.
Charleston County Recreation Department is always looking for volunteers and coaches for their athletes. For more information, contact Sarah Stern at sterns@charleston-sc.gov.