Update on Aug. 24:
Members of our campus community,
LTC Kenneth Boes resigned from his post with The Citadel’s Office of the Commandant, effective today.
The Citadel will continue to cooperate fully with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), and we encourage anyone who has knowledge of abuse related to this matter to contact SLED. The Citadel’s outside investigator will also continue the college’s Title IX investigation of these allegations. As these processes continue, though, The Citadel remains committed to the Constitutional principle that anyone accused of a crime or other violation is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Col. John Dorrian, USAF (Ret.)
Vice President
Office of Communications and Marketing
Members of our Campus Community,
Kenneth Boes, a member of The Citadel staff serving as a TAC officer, has been arrested. This arrest follows an investigation by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), which began in May 2018 after The Citadel received an allegation of sexual abuse concerning Boes. The Citadel immediately notified and fully cooperated with SLED after receiving these allegations.
TAC officers Teach, Advise and Coach cadets as part of The Citadel’s military and leadership training. Once sexual abuse allegations were reported, the Commandant reassigned Boes and issued a no-contact order prohibiting interaction with cadets and students pending the investigation’s outcome.
The Citadel will continue cooperating with SLED, while recognizing the accused is innocent until proven guilty. The Citadel also initiated a Title IX investigation as dictated by the college’s policy and law. The Title IX investigation is being conducted by an outside investigator.
College officials cannot comment on the ongoing criminal investigation. The Citadel is committed to providing a working and learning environment maintaining the highest standards of safety for our college community. Anyone believing he or she has been victimized by, witnessed, or is aware of sexual abuse related to this matter should contact SLED.
We will provide further information once the Title IX investigation is complete. Please direct any media inquiries regarding this matter to OCM.